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April Gibson | Interact Conference London
April Gibson headshot

April Gibson

Head of UX at Benevolent AI

April Gibson spoke at a previous event. See this year's speakers


April is the Head of User Experience at London-based biotech BenevolentAI, where her team has led the transition from internal-only drug discovery tools to a comprehensive platform for scientists across the pharma industry.

In a multidisciplinary UX career spanning 15 years, she has also led the design of non-profit fundraising and healthcare technology solutions. At BenevolentAI, she has introduced strategic design approaches to solving business problems of all sizes and has made inclusive design a priority.

Talk details

Internal co-designers: Our secret weapon

BenevolentAI has over a decade of experience developing AI-driven tools for in-house scientists. The co-design relationships and ways of working this affords has proved immensely valuable to the UX team. In a new era of commercialising our platform with LLMs for external customers, designers and researchers are having to adapt accordingly.

In this case study, we’ll explore how we made the shift, how we continue to leverage our internal users as co-designers, and what we're learning along the way.

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